How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country
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  1. #1
    Renault 4 Alpine Avatar od  serz
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    How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    It would be interesting for us in Serbia to know how much it costs, annually, to own Renault 4 GTL in other countries. So, please write about it. You know – insurance, registration, etc. Cheers
    Tajni savetnik KV kru

  2. #2

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    Interesting topic, it would be nice to hear from another countries...
    To start: Here in Greece you should pay each year the "circulation tax" based upon engine cubic capacity. It is 93 euros for cars from 786cc to 1350cc (that means all 845 and 1108 R4s). For cars less than 786cc this tax is 33 euros. You guessed how all R1126 owners feel... .
    Insurance varies according to company driving experience and coverage. Typical price is 200-300 euros. However, you can always insure 25-year old or earler R4s as "historic vehicle", provided that its authenticity is certified by a club. In this case insurance is around 50 euros a year.
    Rather cheap car to run, what do you think?

  3. #3

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    The insurances and the taxes in Greece are horrible, that is why i see many BMs 316i etc..., bt in general its very expensive in relationship to our countries....
    (za nove clanove)Dobrodosli i procitajte PRAVILA FORUMA!

  4. #4

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    Well actually it is stupid that the whole system is based ONLY on the cubic capacity of the engine. It could be more flexible. That's why there will be lucky and unlucky cars (the R1126 falls in the lucky category for just 4 ccs ). Some years ago there was almost forbidden to own a car over 1600 ccs (that's why you see 316s and not 320s) due to laws about taxes calculated on "car ownership and use costs". That's why we had seen cars sold like the Fiat Tempra 1100...
    But when I see the English insurance parameters, for example, I feel veru lucky to live here...

  5. #5

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country comparison with England everything is more cheap ...

    concerning the taxes in Greece, i see now more and more Golf GTs...another mistake by the gov people:):):)....hehehe 170bhp...from a 1,4!!!!:):):)...

    Saw the other day another R4 in Thessaloníki, metallic blue...great...this is like the 4th one on three years....
    (za nove clanove)Dobrodosli i procitajte PRAVILA FORUMA!

  6. #6

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    You are right, it's like they tailor-made the Golf GT for the Greek tax system! Just like the Fiat Punto GT some years ago...
    Are you still studying in Salonica? I am planning to come at the first chance (that means an important match of PAOK FC!)

  7. #7

    Re: How much does R4 maintenance cost in your country

    Citat angel kaže:

    You are right, it's like they tailor-made the Golf GT for the Greek tax system! Just like the Fiat Punto GT some years ago...
    Are you still studying in Salonica? I am planning to come at the first chance (that means an important match of PAOK FC!)
    you have a pm
    (za nove clanove)Dobrodosli i procitajte PRAVILA FORUMA!

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